YORKE Peninsula landowners say the local community is still in the dark after the state government’s decision to grant Rex Minerals an extension for its submission of the Program for Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation.
Rex announced the 12-month extension on Friday, advising it also applied to the Social Management Plan for their Hillside project near Ardrossan.
“After undertaking an extensive review of the Hillside project due to the downturn in global commodity prices of copper, gold and iron ore, Rex announced the results of its Extended Feasibility Study to the Australian Securities Exchange on May 25,” a statement to the ASX says.
“Following this announcement, the company wrote to the Department of State Development to request an extension of time for submission of the PEPR and the SMP.
“Rex will utilise this extension period to engage further with the DSD, regional community and other stakeholders, on details of the project, during the development of the PEPR and the components of the SMP.”
Rex is required to submit a PEPR to comply with the Mining Act and Mining Regulations by September 16, 2016.
YP Landowners Group chair Stephen Lodge said another deadline had come and gone.
“And yet another extension has been granted by an extremely compliant government that is doing all it can to support this highly questionable project even though the bottom has fallen out of the mining industry,” he said.
“However, the news that Rex has been given an extension comes as no surprise because it can’t do any significant work on its PEPR until the government decides whether to approve or reject its plans for a smaller-scale start-up.
“At this stage, even the government is still waiting on Rex to provide it with all the information it needs to make that decision.”
Rex were granted a mining lease last year but then announced it would be pursuing lower capital start-up options.
Mr Lodge said the extension resulted in the community remaining “in the dark” about new mine plans, environmental risks posed and potential impacts to farmers.
“Many in the community are fed up with these constant delays, which, in large measure, have been caused by Rex’s inability to win financial backing for the Hillside project,” he said.
“Why doesn’t the government acknowledge that the mining boom is over, and start refocusing its support on tourism and agriculture on YP which are crucial to the region’s long-term economic prosperity?”
According to the DSD, the government determined an extension should be granted because of active investigations being undertaken by Rex into plans for advancing the project, and a request from the Hillside Community Voice that an opportunity for full engagement on the PEPR be provide
Stock Journal KARINA NATT 04 Sep, 2015 03:30 AM
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