Liberal Party stance on Rex Minerals’ Proposed Hillside Mine
We know, from the many pronouncements of the Minister for Mineral Resources
and Energy, Mr Koutsantonis, that the Labor Government, if re-elected, will
provide full support for the Hillside mine.
But if you thought the Liberal Party may offer some reprieve for Yorke
Peninsula farmers under threat from large mining ventures, please read the
following email sent on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Steven
Marshall, to a local farmer.
The Liberal Party is, by its own admission, a pro-mining party, and farmers
can expect little support when the two come into conflict.
EMAIL on behalf of Mr Steven Marshall
Thank you for your email regarding the proposed Rex Minerals’ Hillside
development near Ardrossan on Yorke Peninsula.
The State Liberals support economic growth, employment opportunities and
investment in South Australia, particularly in our regions.
Local Member for Goyder, Steven Griffiths MP, has vigorously represented the
views of his constituents in the State Parliament and the SA Liberal Party
room. We recognise that the Rex project is not unanimously supported
amongst the local community, with strong opinions for and against. It is
important however, that a State Government acts in the best interests of all
South Australians. In our opinion that means encouraging investment in
mining while ensuring the environment is protected, the community has been
thoroughly consulted and that the overall outcome of the project is to the
benefit of the local region and beyond.
If elected to government at the 15 March State Election, a Marshall Liberal
Government will as a matter of principle support mining. We will insist
that mining projects comply with the Mining Act 1971 and we will demand that
the strictest of environmental standards are adhered to. Of particular
concern is the need to preserve our water resources, coastal environments,
visual amenity and to ensure that adjoining land remains available for
agricultural use. Provided that rigorous environmental standards are
applied, we will support the development of mines in SA because it is good
for jobs, families and small business. Mining jobs are generally high paid
and encourage workers to gain new skills and qualifications. This is exactly
what our children and grandchildren seek.
The Hillside mining project proposed by Rex Minerals aims to create 1000
construction jobs, up to 700 operational jobs and billions of dollars of
investment. If approved, the project would inject new life into Yorke
Peninsula in a range of ways. Employment opportunities in mining,
manufacturing and related services should be welcomed. Over 1100 people
seeking work have already registered their interest in employment at the
mine site, 400 of these people are from Yorke Peninsula.
Whoever forms government after the 15 March State Election will also be
bound by any legal undertakings, contracts or approvals granted by the
previous Weatherill Labor government. To do otherwise would expose the
taxpayers of South Australia to exhaustive and expensive legal action.
For these reasons, should the Rex Minerals project be approved prior to the
15 March election, we will abide by the contractual agreements entered into
by the Labor government and the company. If the matter is not resolved
before 15 March, we will advance the project in accordance with the
principles outlined above and indeed all correspondence received on this
subject will be taken into careful consideration as key decisions are taken
about the project in the future.
Thanks again for taking the time to write, the SA Liberals appreciate
receiving your comments on this very important issue.
Yours sincerely
Kim Meier
Research/Liaison Officer
Steven Marshall MP
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