- The Bill to replace the Mining Act (1971) was passed through the House of Assembly late last night, as we expected. Steven Griffiths spoke against it, as did several other Liberal MPs. But because the Government has a majority in the lower house, there was never any doubt if would get through .
- The key is what will happen in the Legislative Council where debate will start on or after the 14th November 2017.
- However, following two media releases today – by the Hon. David Ridgway, Liberal Leader in the Legislative Council, and the Hon Robert Brokenshire, Australian Conservatives – there is a very strong possibility the Bill will not be passed by the Legislative Council in this sitting of Parliament. This would mean it will be delayed until after the next election.
- Unlike the House of Assembly, the Government does not hold the balance of power in the Upper House. Labor holds 8 seats, the Liberal Party holds 8 seats and the independents/other parties hold 6 seats.
- If all 8 Liberal members and 4 independents reject the Bill, then it will not be passed in this session of Parliament.
MEDIA RELEASE FROM THE HON. DAVID RIDGWAY, State Liberal Leader in the Legislative Council (see attached)
- Today, the Hon David Ridgway put out a media release stating the Liberal Party will not support rushing the Bill through Parliament before the next election and are calling on the crossbench in the Upper House to support this position.
- Extracts from the Media Release:
o “The State Liberals have ruled out passing the complicated mining Bill as the Weatherill Labor government looks to progress debate in State Parliament without completing the community consultation process”.
o “We can’t progress this Bill until the local community has had a chance to have their say”.
o “We want to ensure that farmers and regional communities are protected and we also want to provide certainty to the mining industry.. “
- Today, the Hon Robert Brokenshire called on parliament to halt the Bill.
- Extracts from the media release:
o “The Bill could have serious ramifications for the farming sector and the Government is not giving parliament time to properly scrutinise this ….”
o “ I have written to all other parties urging them to support my call to abandon debate on this Bill when it is introduced into the Upper House”
o “The changes being suggested are a weakening of farmers’ rights by only describing cropping land now as restricted rather than exempt from mining exploration..”
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