UPDATE on Rex Minerals Hillside Project

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UPDATE on Rex Minerals Hillside Project

14th August 2015

At the Hillside Community Voice (HCV) meeting held on Monday 10th August 2015, the following update was provided by the Rex Representative.

Extension of Program for Environmental Protection (PEPR)

Rex Minerals have applied for an extension of their Program for Environmental Protection (PEPR) which was originally due for completion on 16th September 2015.   This PEPR must be completed and endorsed by Government before any work can commence at Hillside.  (Further update;  a 12 month extension has now been granted by DSD).

Withdrawal of MPL for port of Ardrossan

Rex Minerals has withdrawn its application for a Miscellaneous Purpose Licence (MPL) to undertake work at the Port of Ardrossan, including the construction of dewatering facilities, a seawater intake and an upgrade to the jetty to allow ore concentrate from Hillside to be shipped out.  Under the new smaller-scale start-up, Rex no longer intend to process any iron ore, with the copper/gold concentrate being transported to Adelaide by truck.   The port facilities are therefore no longer needed.

New mine plan

In response to the Department of State Development’s requirement that Rex provide the Government with details of the new mine plan, Rex are undertaking further environmental modelling, including dust and noise implications.   It seems this work was not undertaken as part of the EFS and may explain why no relevant information on the new mine plan has yet been released to the community, despite repeated calls for that to happen.

Planned visit by Rex CE, Mr Richard Laufmann

The HCV was informed that Mr Laufmann will be visiting the Yorke Peninsula at the beginning of September to talk with various individuals and groups.  The HCV have requested a meeting with him but only if he is in a position to provide detailed and meaningful information on the new mine plan.  A public meeting with Mr Laufmann and a DSD representative will be organized by the HCV as soon as details on the mine plan become available,


We will keep you posted on any new developments


Stephen Lodge and Joy Wundersitz – YPLOG representatives on the HCV

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