Mining Bill Update

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Your attendance at Parliament House may be needed on the 26th February 2019

Just prior to Christmas last year, Fraser Ellis and his three Liberal colleagues courageously joined with Labor to postpone any further debate on the Mining Bill until the 26th February 2019. 

That is now less than one week away.

At this stage, we have no idea what will happen on that day – whether the Liberal Government will opt to proceed with the debate or whether they will delay it.   This decision is completely at the discretion of the Government.  

If the Mining Bill is listed for debate on the 26th February, we again ask that you attend Parliament House that day to sit in the Public Gallery to witness the debate.

On the previous occasion (27 November 2018)  approximately 70 people, mainly farmers from YP, took time out from their busy harvest period to come to Adelaide and lend their support to Fraser Ellis and his three Liberal colleagues.  Their  presence that day sent a clear message to the Liberal Government and to each MP that we would hold them accountable for their actions if they chose to support a Bill that gives miners easy access to freehold land against farmers’ wishes. 

If they have chosen to ignore those concerns and opt to proceed with the current Mining Bill on 26th February, we need to be there in force to show our displeasure and bring home to them the possible electoral consequences if they continue to alienate their key power base.


We expect we will have only about 24  hours’ notice if the Bill is to be re-listed for debate.   We will alert you via email as soon as we know or hear anything.

In the meantime we ask that, if possible, you prepare for the possibility of coming to Adelaide on that day. 

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